HB0090 | Newborn Child Safe Havens-Age of Child


WFA CATEGORY: Life / Family

STATUS: Signed by the Governor – 3/22/24

SUMMARY: Click here to read a high-level synopsis of the bill that has been signed into law.

View Text of the Bill: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024/HB0090

AN ACT relating to children; amending the age of newborn children who may be relinquished to a safe haven provider; and providing for an effective date.


Wyoming Family Alliance supports this important legislation because it expands the window of opportunity for a newborn child to be placed in a loving home.

As we believe that no child’s life should be ended, whether they are wanted or not, we also believe we should support the mothers in such circumstances, and supporting this bill is one of the many ways we can do that.


3/6/24This bill passed through the legislative process and will soon be headed to the Governor for his signature!

3/5/24 – This bill has now passed the second reading in the Senate and has only one more step to go.

3/4/24Today, this bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee 5-0 and proceeded to the Senate Committee of the Whole, where it passed without amendment. That means that there are only two steps left before it passes all the way through the Legislature!

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