2024 Legislative Summary – 3rd Week Update

The Fastest Legislature in the West!

Click the image below to start this week’s updates by brushing up on your knowledge with a 3+ minute lesson on the history of the shortest legislative session in the country. Learn more about how the budget session works and what makes it different from the general session.

Overview of Week Three

Click the image above to watch the 5+ minute video reviewing what happened this past week in the legislature with a few updates of what to look for in the coming week.

Click here to get an email link to your legislator and the Speaker of the House and urge them to allow SF0094 to be heard in front of the entire assembly!

IMPORTANT: Watch & Take Action!

Click the image below to watch the 36-second video highlighting the shocking lack of Education Freedom in Wyoming and why we need HB0166 to pass to change that!  (See the full 6-minute version of the video below this one. See sources for stats in both videos below.)

Click here to get an email link to your State Senator and urge them to pass HB0166!

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Watch the Full Video on HB0166

Click the image below to watch the full 6-minute video on why Educational Savings Accounts are so crucial to creating an Educational Marketplace and fostering Education Freedom in Wyoming and how supporting HB0166 gets us much closer to that goal. (See below for sources of the statistics mentioned in the video.)

Sources for Statistics Cited in the HB0166 Videos

The Heritage Foundation State Report Card: Wyoming

“Wyoming ranks #44 for education choice, dropping one spot since last year, as lawmakers in other states expanded education choice options in 2023, while officials in Wyoming did not. Wyoming could do much more to expand education choice. Wyoming generally respects the autonomy of homeschooling families. Wyoming could improve its ranking by enacting a K–12 education savings account (ESA) policy, making it easier for charter schools to open and operate, and giving families a choice of traditional public schools beyond their assigned school.”

Center for Educational Reform Parent Power Index: Wyoming

In their most recent report, CER’s Parent Power Index ranked Wyoming Schools at #47 overall and #48 for school choice (education freedom). Read their summary below:

“The Cowboy State hit the education choice trail this year, moving up three spots on the National Charter School Ranking by adding a new, more independent charter authorizer – YEEE HAAA! But parents around the state – some who are very disadvantaged – have very little power to choose the education their child deserves. They could stand an eruption as plentiful as a gush at Old Faithful.”

Thank You for Watching!

Click the image below to watch this short video thanking you for staying updated and involved!

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