2024 Legislative Update – A Wyoming Amendment Requiring Evolution?

Should Belief Be State-Affirmed?

On Tuesday’s discussion of HB0166 Education Savings Accounts-1 in the Senate, Senator Cale Case (R- Dist. 25) raised concern about whether ESAs would fund teaching content he deemed unscientific. (Things like Creationism based on a literal Biblical interpretation, Climate Change Denial, and views against the efficacy of masks and vaccines for COVID-19.)

Then yesterday, Senator Case brought an amendment requiring that teaching the Theory of Evolution was the only origin account acceptable for those receiving ESA funds. Interestingly, he didn’t recognize his own religious fervor and belief regarding a scientific theory that cannot be proven, replicated, or explained to the ultimate point of origin without directing great measures of blind faith.

Passionate arguments arose over both days of debate, with some defending Creationism and some defending the right to teach according to one’s beliefs. Near the end of the discussion, Senator Case withdrew his amendment, promising to revise it and bring it back for Thursday’s final consideration of the bill in the Senate.

We at Wyoming Family Alliance believe that the determination of an acceptable belief is outside the bounds of any legislative body, and we will always strive to defend this. Stay tuned to see how the Senate ends up deciding this matter later today.

Click here to watch clips of Day 1 and Day 2 of the debates over teaching Creationism in relation to HB0166. 

Quick Updates on the Remaining Bills

Wyoming Family Alliance actively monitors, supports, or opposes legislation based on how it aligns with our mission to defend life, advance liberty, and preserve freedom for Wyoming families. See our Bills Page for a complete list.


HB0090 Newborn Child Safe Havens-Age of Child 

Yesterday, this bill passed through the legislative process and will soon be headed to the Governor for his signature! This is a great move toward supporting mothers who are not able to raise their babies and did not choose abortion! 

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HB0092 Protection of Parental Rights

This bill passed the second reading in the Senate and today will be voted on for the last time. (Senate Third Reading Consent List at 10:00 am.)

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HB0166 Education Savings Accounts-1

Today, this bill will be voted on for the last time in the Senate. (Senate Third Reading Consent List at 10:00 am.)

See the article above regarding the debate over an amendment to require teaching only evolution.

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SF0099 Chloe’s Law-Children Gender Change Prohibition

Yesterday, this bill passed all the way through the House of Representatives!

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Educational Moment: What Happens to a Bill After it Leaves the First Chamber?

When a bill leaves the first chamber, if there are any amendments, those amendments are added to the original bill. If that happens, what will be sent to the other chamber during crossover is called an “Engrossed” bill.

Then, in that second chamber, more amendments may be added. If the bill passes all the way through the second chamber, something special happens.

The bill will return to the original chamber, where they will either accept all of the amendments in a vote called “concurrence” or they will reject them. If it is rejected, the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate will appoint three members from each chamber to meet in a “conference committee” and debate the differences and try to hammer out an agreement.

Pray for Israel's Hostages at the Capitol Today at Noon

During a legislative session, there is much pomp and ceremony with reports from the statewide elected leaders as well as our congressional delegation and then folks from across Wyoming who are introduced and honored.

Wyoming has less of this than other states because of the amount of work that must be accomplished in such a short amount of time. But, this week, a liaison from Taiwan was received, and a special delegation from Israel gave a briefing on the events they are going through in their respective nations.

Today, at noon, a group of legislators, faith leaders, and other officials will gather on the steps of the Capitol to commemorate the 5-month anniversary of the kidnapping of innocent civilians from Israel who have been taken hostage into the Gaza Strip. We welcome all who can come for a few moments at noon and spend a moment in prayer and reflection for their release.

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