2023 Legislative Victories

Wyoming Family Alliance is pleased to report we had several important victories during this year’s legislative session.

Here is a list of the bills we supported that have passed:


HB 154 Life as a Human Right Act has passed the legislature! We thank God for this legislation. It has been signed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate and will now go to the Governor’s desk.

We are committed to continuing to watch this new law, as it may be challenged in court, and defend it as needed to save the lives of our most innocent citizens.


Wyoming Family Alliance has been proud to work to advance strong school choice legislation in Wyoming.

We have supported important school choice legislation, including a bill that continues to improve our charter school laws by providing for a separate authorizer for charter school applications (SF 174 Wyoming charter school authorizing board- passed). Charter schools are one of the many important school choice tools for Wyoming parents. 

Alongside charter and private schools, home schooling is also another important option (HB 170 Definition of home-based educational program – passed) for the many families in Wyoming who utilize this educational tool. HB 170 gives homeschooling families even more options and we celebrate its passage!

School choice and parental rights are an important part of our core principles. We look forward to continuing our work in the years to come to advance school choice here in the Cowboy state.


Parents have the right to ensure their children are educated in a manner consistent with their views. Part of this includes the world of sports where children learn vital leadership skills, team building and personal commitment as they test their physical prowess. Girls who have worked for years to become the best in their sport can sadly lose the chance to be #1 because a biological male, who identifies as female, is allowed to compete against them.

Senate File 133, Student Eligibility in Interscholastic Sports was not a perfect bill and future legislation may be necessary to address some flaws.

We supported this piece of legislation for two important principles:

  1. The issue of girls sports and the negative impacts of transgender participants is too important to dismiss or delay action. 
  2. Wyoming Family Alliance will always advocate for the best possible legislation while not overlooking the importance of gaining even the smallest amount of ground in these critical culture wars. We will never allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

SF 133 is an example of our support of the good, even as we push in the future for the more perfect.


Wyoming Family Alliance had the pleasure of working with a lot of good people this legislative session. We would like to thank two in particular for their work on important issues for Wyoming.

First, we would like to thank Michael Leman, Legislative Liaison for The Diocese of Cheyenne, who worked diligently on issues involving the integrity of the family. Michael has been an amazing partner at the Wyoming Capitol. His thoughtful, factual testimony, as well as his advice and friendship, has been invaluable throughout the Legislative Session and we thank him! We look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.

We also want to thank one of our educational choice partners this year, EdChoice, for the tangible help they have provided to us this legislative session.

These partnerships are an important part of providing strong, fact-based testimony to lawmakers and we appreciate all of their hard work.

The Wyoming Legislative Session for 2023 may be over, but you can be assured
we are already looking to the 2024 Budget Session!

If you would like to help, you can donate here.

Thank you for your support of 
Wyoming Family Alliance.

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