SF0130 | The Equality State Not Equity State Act

WFA STANCE: Supporting

WFA CATEGORY: Religious Liberty

STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction 3/5/24

NEXT ACTION: No Meetings Currently Scheduled

View Text of the Bill: https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024/sf0130

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting governmental entities from engaging in any diversity, equity or inclusion program, activity or policy; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; providing applicability; and providing for effective dates.


Wyoming Family Alliance supports this bill since it stands against using government entities to promote preferential treatment based on the immutable characteristics of people.


3/4/24More sad news, this bill was also allowed to die through inaction in the House.

2/28/24 – This bill has passed all the way through the Senate and was received for introduction into the House.

2/27/24 – This legislation has made it through the third and final reading in the Senate on a vote of 18-13. This means that the bill has passed all the way through the Senate and will crossover to the House of Representatives.

2/26/24 – This legislation has made it through the second reading in the Senate. There is one more step in that chamber before it can crossover to the House of Representatives.

2/23/24 – This legislation has made it through the first reading in the Senate. There are two more steps in that chamber before it can crossover to the House of Representatives.

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