SF0112 | Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act-2

WFA STANCE: Supporting


STATUS: S Withdrawn by Sponsor (2/16/24)

View Text of the Bill: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024/SF0112

AN ACT relating to education; creating the Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act; authorizing education savings accounts; specifying legal proceedings; creating an account; providing for a transfer of funds to the account; providing for the use and administration of education savings accounts for education; providing powers and duties of the state treasurer; providing rulemaking authority; specifying that a qualified school is not an agent of the state or federal government; establishing an oversight committee; making conforming amendments; authorizing a temporary committee as specified; providing standing in a lawsuit challenging this act; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.


Wyoming Family Alliance supports the right of parents to send a child to a school of their choosing.

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