HB0162 | Interactive Gaming

FINAL STATUS: House: No report prior to Committee of the Whole Cutoff (2/7/25)
HB0274 | Biological Males in Women’s Sports

FINAL STAUS: House did not consider for Committee of the Whole (2/10/25)
SF0133 | Protection of Parental Rights-Amendments

FINAL STATUS: Senate Postponed Indefinitely (2/11/25)
HB0250 | Defining Life and the Rights of Natural Persons

FINAL STATUS: House did not consider for Committee of the Whole (2/10/25)
HB0239 | Reproductive Freedom Act

FINAL STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction (2/3/25)
HB0198 | Education Savings Accounts-Income Qualifications

FINAL STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction (2/3/25)
HB0194 | Obscenity Amendments

FINAL STATUS: House: No report prior to Committee of the Whole Cutoff (2/7/25)
HB0180 | K-12 Mental Health Program-3

FINAL STATUS: House: No report prior to Committee of the Whole Cutoff (2/10/25)
HB0159 | Protecting Water from Chemical Abortion Waste

FINAL STATUS: House did not consider for Committee of the Whole (2/11/25)
HB0078 | Newborn Safety Device Funding for Safe Haven Providers

FINAL STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction (2/3/25)
HB0019 | Social Media – Parental Consent for Minors Required

FINAL STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction (1/2/25)
HB0114 | Protecting Religious Assembly in States of Emergency Act

FINAL STATUS: House Did not Consider for Introduction (2/3/25)
HB0149 | Adoption Discrimination-Keep Kids First Act

FINAL STATUS: House: No report prior to Committee of the Whole Cutoff (1/7/25)