HB0199 | Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act





Education Freedom


School Choice (Education Savings Accounts)


Senate: Committee of the Whole: Passed (2/14/25)


Senate Floor Session: 2nd Reading @ 10:00 AM (2/18/25)



Click the names of Sponsors and Co-Sponsors above to see their details and contact information.

Click this link to contact your local legislator; TELL THEM TO VOTE YES ON HB0199


AN ACT relating to education; modifying the education savings accounts program; changing the name of the program to the Wyoming freedom scholarship act; creating the Wyoming freedom scholarship program account; modifying distribution of state funds; modifying definitions; increasing the maximum scholarship award; modifying eligibility requirements; eliminating certification of education service providers; creating a voluntary registration for education service providers; repealing provisions; providing appropriations; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

View Full Text of the Bill: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2025/HB0199


Updates on this bill will be posted as they arise.

HB 198 & 199
These two bills complement the legislation passed last year establishing an Education Savings Account program in the state of Wyoming.

Similarities and Differences:
Both House Bills expand the accessibility of the funding for parents.

HB 198 does so by adding two tiers to last year’s legislation. You may recall that the legislation last year incorporated multiple levels of funding that could be accessed by families based on their income in relation to the Federal Poverty Level. The Governor line-item-vetoed all of the levels except the lowest, which dramatically limited the usefulness of the program. HB 198 reinstates two of the levels that were considered last year. This change will allow for the ESA to offer $6,000 to families under 150% of the federal Poverty level, $4,800 to those between %150 to %200, and $3,600 to those between %200 and $250.

HB 199 opens the program to help all families with school-age children gain access to $7,000 per student (roughly 1/3rd of the statewide cost per pupil). Interestingly, the bill also changes the program’s name to the Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act (a fitting name) and returns the focus of the ESA to K-12 education.

WFA Position: Support HB199
While HB 198 opens the door of opportunity a little wider, HB 199 opens the door for all citizens to find the education that best fits their family’s needs.

Wyoming Family Alliance will encourage all efforts to expand education freedom. While both bills help in that effort, HB199 is the most comprehensive choice to empower families to find the best education for their children.

The Senate Education Committee hears public testimony on HB0199, “Wyoming Freedom Scholarship,” and refers the bill to the Appropriations Committee. (2/12/25)

Listen to excellent testimony and statistics debunking false claims against school choice from:

  • School choice legal expert Leslie Hiner (EdChoice Vice President of Legal Policy and Director)
  • A homeschool parent who successfully used Arizona’s Educations Savings Account program to enhance her children’s individual learning plans 
  • Megan Degenfelder
    Wyoming, Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • And many more

Watch a brief video recap of week one’s pro-family legislation and a preview of what’s to come in Wyoming. Wyoming Legislature 2025.
(Includes commentary on HB0199 | Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act)


Click the link(s) below to see bills with similar objectives:

HB0198 | Education Savings Accounts-Income Qualifications

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