The 2023 General Wyoming Legislative is in Session

We are tracking the bills for you. Click “Legislation” on the menu above to see what is happening that is important to you and your family.


Advance your citizenship

Join us for a Wyoming where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

Know the Issues. Share with Others

These are the primary issues on which the Wyoming Family Alliance is focused. Explore the topics to familiarize yourself with the main arguments of both sides, discover what the Biblical view is, and learn how Wyoming Family Alliance is fighting for you.

Every human life, from the time of fertilization to natural end, is created in the image of God and should be cherished.

Family as God designed it is the building block of society — from it flows life, and the imparting of faith and values.

Parents have a right and an obligation to direct their child’s education in the church and in society.

Christians are free to believe, share, and live out our faith – publicly as well as privately.


What's Happening

We never stop in the defense of life, the family, education and your religious freedom. Keep up-to-date with what is happening across the nation, and learn how you can join us in taking action.Know the Issues. Share with Others

Remembering Grandad, Honoring Heroes

Every Memorial Day, many of us stop to consider the price of freedom, often within our own families.

This really struck home this week as I sat in line to board my plane at the Reagan International Airport in Washington, DC.

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2024 Post-Legislative Update

With the deadline looming for the Governor to sign, veto, or allow legislation to pass without his signature, yesterday, he acted on the final three pro-family bills that Wyoming Family Alliance has been championing.

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