Urgent Alert: Ask Gov Gordon to Protect Minors from Gender Change Surgery, Safeguard Parent's Rights, Regulate Surgical Abortion, and Expand Education Freedom

In Wyoming, we stand at the brink of a transformative moment for the future of our children. This month, the Legislature passed 4 critical bills, but Gov. Mark Gordon has not yet signed them.

Only a few days remain for Governor Gordon to sign these bills! 

– It is crucial he hears from you right away! Your support makes all the difference! 

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Governor Signature Campaign

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Here is Why Each Bill is Critical to Protecting Wyoming Families

Strengthening Parental Rights

HB0092 and HB0166 strengthen parental rights and give families the freedom to choose the best educational environment for their children.

Protecting Kids from Harm

SF099 and HB0148 advocate for desperately needed safety measures for those who are in vulnerable situations, protecting them from physical and mental trauma now and in the future.

Innovation in Education

HB0166 encourages educational institutions to innovate and improve, driven by the choices of parents and students.

Opportunity in Education

HB0166 begins to level the playing field for all Wyoming families, regardless of income, zip code, or family circumstances.

More on SF0099 "Gender Change Prohibition"... Understanding The Path from Sexualization to Sterilization

1. Seeds are Planted.

Supported and aggressively promoted by educators: public/government schools as early as kindergarten, and throughout the curricula, school libraries, social media algorithms, peers, media, retail, and entertainment – all saturate the minds of our children with these messages:

By the time I was thirteen, I was isolating myself, self-harming, and had developed an eating disorder. ... During this time, ... I found a website called Tumblr. ... On Tumblr, ... any claim to being "oppressed" would accumulate social credibility, while any unfortunate "privileged" status was justification for verbal abuse. ... I was a "[straight] white girl" in an environment where that was one of the worst things to be. Since Tumblr users are mostly biological females, the "[straight] white girl" holds the position of most privileged and therefore most inherently bad group. ... The beauty of gender ideology is ... you can absolutely change your gender, and it's as easy as putting a "she/they" in your [Tumblr] profile. ... With the new pronouns often come a wave of positive affirmation ... This is the incentive I felt to comb through my thoughts and memories for things that might be further evidence that deep down, I wasn't really a girl."

2. Holistic Counseling Banned.

In some states, when a child is experiencing “gender dysphoria”, it is illegal for a licensed counselor to give any advice, other than helping the child transition (see DE senate Bill 65, 2017).

3. Parents Bypassed.

Public school policy is used to encourages teachers not to inform parents if their child identifies as the opposite sex. The school will use the child’s preferred name and pronouns.

"A father is suing a Garden State school district after his daughter’s gender transition was allegedly kept a secret from him. The father...found that New Jersey’s Delaware Valley Regional High School had been calling his daughter by a male name and male pronouns for at least two months, after a pro-LGBT student club’s staff advisor — who is not licensed to practice either medicine or psychology, according to the lawsuit — asked teachers and other school staff, faculty, and administration to refer to the girl by a male name and male pronouns and not to tell her father. ...

4. Puberty Halted.

Experimental drugs are given to children to halt the onset of puberty, which stunts the growth of genitalia. There are NO long term studies on these drugs and their effect on children who use them to transition. 

5. Cross-Sex Hormones.

Children are given the hormones of the opposite sex which make them into life long pharmaceutical users. These hormones can permanently harm an individual’s reproductive system, bone density, cause cancer, pulmonary issues, and numerous complications – thus making these individuals permanent pharmaceutical users.

"No one can tell you for sure if taking testosterone will affect your ability to get pregnant. You could get pregnant or you may never be able to get pregnant again in the future, even if you stop the testosterone.

6. Amputation of healthy body parts.

The final step is the surgical removal or reconstruction of reproductive and sex organs. The after-effects of this are brutal and still being discovered.

"During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000."

Resources for More Research:


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