Ask Your Representative to SUPPORT SF174


SF174 moves public charter school authorizing from the State Land and Investment Board to a much needed independent charter school authorizing board for Wyoming charter school applicants.

Use our talking points below to contact your Representative today and ask them to SUPPORT SF174.


Fill out the form below to send a petition to your elected officials. Don’t forget to mention SF174 in the subject line.

Wyoming Charter School Authorizer

Your Information

First Name
Last Name
Your street number and name only, i.e, "123 Main St"
Five digit zip code.

Your Message

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Use These Talking Points in Your Message:

1. SF174 The State Lands and Investment Board was always going to be a temporary placeholder for authorizing charter schools. It is not a nature fit for authorizing public charter schools.   

2. SF174 To ensure public charter school applicants have a fair and transparent application process an independent charter school authorizer is needed. 

3. SF174 Strong and independent charter school authorizers are trained to ensure excellence in our authorized public charter schools.