Support Parental Rights

SF117 protects parental rights for our youngest students in Kindergarten to 3rd grade by allowing parents to decide how and when their child will have gender identity and sexual orientation discussions.

Use our talking points below to contact your Representative today and ask them to SUPPORT SF117:


Fill out the form below to send a petition to your elected officials. Don’t forget to mention SF117 in the subject line.

Parents Rights in Education PRIE

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First Name
Last Name
Your street number and name only, i.e, "123 Main St"
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Use These Talking Points in Your Message:

Vote YES on SF117 Parental Rights in Education

1. The innocence of their child is a state every parent has the right to defend and protect.

2. No teacher, friend, advocate or stranger has the right to overstep parents’ rights.

3. Those supporting radical agendas seek to vilify parents as a way to strip them of their rights and separate them from their child.